The Many Ways to Build Objects in JavaScript

In JavaScript, the dominant pattern to declare objects is to write a constructor function and append each method to its prototype property. To create an instance of the object, one must then use the new keyword on a call to the constructor function.

function Set() {
  this.items = [];

Set.prototype.add = function(e) { this.items.push(e); }
Set.prototype.size = function() { return this.items.length; }

Here Set is the constructor function; in its body, this is a reference to a newly-created object that will be returned after a call to the constructor with the new keyword. By convention, constructor functions begin with a capital.

var s = new Set();
s.size() // 1

Note that Set is just a regular function, i.e. we can call it without the new keyword. Though usually it is not what you want, since Set will return undefined and will bind this to the global object in the absence of a caller.

var s = Set();
s.add(1); // error: s is undefined
this.items; // [] -- Global objects is polluted

The new keyword applied to the Set function has the following effect:

  1. An empty object o is created.
  2. The [[Proto]] property of o is bound to Set.prototype. In other words, the prototype of o is set to Set.prototype.
  3. The function Set is called with o is bound to this.
  4. When the function returns, it returns o instead of undefined.

That is why methods of the object must be attached to the Set.prototype object: it is the prototype of every instance of Set.

I always found this pattern verbose and confusing. The new keyword was made to be familiar for Java programmers, but there is no mention of classes, only prototypes. In fact, it can be misleading to relate to Java, since the receiver of a method is not bound statically in JavaScript.

var s = new Set();
var add = s.add;    // Aliasing the method
add(2);             // error: `this.items` is undefined

The call to add(2) has no explicit caller, so this is bound to the global object, which doesn’t have an items object.

Also, functions have a unique prototype property that is unfortunately not the same thing as the [[Proto]] property that every object – including functions – have.

Languages that compile to JavaScript, like CoffeeScript, TypeScript, Dart and even the next version of EcmaScript all provide syntactic sugar to hide this pattern.

Luckily, there are alternatives to this pattern in vanilla JS. By not trying to mimic class-based languages, but harnessing the simplicity of the prototype model, one finds flexible and terse ways to create objects.

Object factories

JavaScript has objects literals, which are great for building singleton objects.

var bag = {
  items: [],

  add: function(e) { this.items.push(e); },
  size: function() { return this.items.length; },

bag.size(); // 1

Attributes and methods are now just properties of the same object. In this respect, this form is more regular than the first pattern.

What if we want another instance of this object? In other prototype-based languages, we would just clone the first one; in JavaScript, there’s no built-in clone function. Instead, we can create a factory function.

function mkSet() {
  return {
    items: [],

    add: function(e) { this.items.push(e); },
    size: function() { return this.items.length; },

var s1 = mkSet();
var s2 = mkSet();
s2.size(); // 0

The mkSet function puts out new objects of identical initial state. Compared to the previous example, we have lost a bit of flexibility. The bag was usable right away, but here we must call the factory to create a new object before beginning to use it.

This form also has another downside: the methods are recreated separately for each object. The add method of s1 and s2 are not the same. Not only if this wasteful, but leaves us no way of adding or altering methods for all objects of the same factory.

Sharing behavior with prototypes

We can correct the latter defect by putting the methods in a separate setProto object. Then, in the factory method we must set the [[Proto]] property to this setProto object.

var setProto = {
  add: function(e) { this.items.push(e); },
  size: function() { return this.items.length; },

function mkSet() {
  return {
    __proto__: setProto,
    items: [],

var s1 = mkSet();
var s2 = mkSet();
s2.size(); // 0

This way, all objects created by the factory mkSet share the same methods. We can easily extend the functionality of all sets by appending methods to setProto.

setProto.clear = function(e) { this.items.length = 0; };

Note that we did not correct the first defect: we must still use the factory to begin using sets. However, we essentially recreated the first pattern: mkSet() does what new Set() did, and setProto is Set.prototype. It is less verbose, but now the methods and constructor are separate entities, which makes even less sense. As a result setProto, is not a usable object on its own. We would like to reunite the two.

Reuniting prototype and constructor

Since the constructor is just a function, why not put it inside the prototype object itself?

var Set = {
  new: function() {
    return {
      __proto__: Set,
      items: [],

  add: function(e) { this.items.push(e); },
  size: function() { return this.items.length; },

var s1 =;
var s2 =;
s2.size(); // 0

Set is still the prototype object, but the constructor is part of its definition. Calling creates new objects inheriting from Set. In fact, new is a method of all Set objects.; // Exactly the same as

While this is unusual for class-based languages like Java, where constructors are special methods, here we see they are just regular functions that return new objects.

There is a bit of redundancy there, namely the Set in the line __proto__: Set. Since we will call the constructor with, why not use this instead?

var Set = {
  new: function() {
    return {
      __proto__: this,
      items: [],


var s1 =;

Now and are no longer equivalent. The latter create an object that have s1 as prototype, not Set. This means that we can specialize objects in branches, not only as a whole.

var s1 =;
var s2 =;
var s11 =;

Set.clear = function(e) { this.items.length = 0; };
s1.forEach = function(f) { this.items.forEach(fn); };

Here, s1, s2 and s11 all have the clear method, but only s1 and s11 have forEach.

Prototypes as default objects

We should try to correct the first defect. As it stands, the only method that makes sense to call on Set is new. Why not make Set a fully functional instance of itself?

var set = {
  new: function() {


var s2 =;

Just by calling new() on the object defining the set prototype, we are giving it an items array. Somehow we lost the direct reference to the original prototype, but it does not matter since all set objects will be derived from set itself (and we can still access it from set.__proto__).

Cloning is just another method

Finally, when creating objects we might want to make a deep copy of an existing copy – not start from a fresh state. This can be achieved by adding a clone method that defines the deep cloning of each attribute. It also binds [[Proto]] of course.

var set = {

  clone: function() {
    return {
      __proto__: this,
      items: new Array(this.items),


var s1 = set.clone();
s1.size(); // 1

Here s1 begins as an identical copy of set, but not sharing the reference to the items array. If we want shallow cloning, we can just use Object.create(set). And if we want to branch, we can call We also can use set right away as a set. All objects derived from set will inherit from changes made to their prototype, which allow to specialize and extend their behavior as befit.

This last form is not only more flexible than the dominant pattern of the first example, it is more terse and regular. But more importantly, it illustrates the orthogonality of the core concepts of JavaScript: object literals, first-class functions and prototypes.